Mobility Management Plans (MMP)

A Mobility Management Plan is a management tool that brings together transport and other staff and site management issues in a coordinated manner. A successful plan can help competitiveness by reducing transport costs for both the employer and staff and provide a more conducive working environment. It normally brings together a package of measures tailored to the needs of an individual work site or a collection of work sites. This package generally includes measures to promote and improve the attractiveness of using public transport, cycling, walking, car-sharing, flexible working or a combination of these as alternatives to drive-alone journeys to work. It can consider all travel associated with the work-site, including business travel, fleet management, customer access and deliveries. It should be considered as a dynamic process where a package of measures and campaigns are identified, piloted and monitored on an on-going basis.

Planning Authorities increasingly consider mobility management to be a suitable mechanism by which new developments can support the objectives of sustainable development and the achievement of reduced car dependency.

The diverse mix of transportation knowledge contained within CST Group results in the ability of it’s staff to think ‘outside of the box’ when preparing Mobility Management Plans. Existing infrastructure and sustainable transport methods should be utilised and promoted for all new developments. CST Group will provide in-depth plans that will promote the development, local environment and maximise sustainability.