

The term ‘environmental impact assessment’ (EIA) describes a procedure that should be followed for certain types of project before they can be given ‘development consent’.  The procedure is a means of drawing together, in a systematic way, an assessment of a project’s likely significant environmental effects.  It helps to promote a sustainable pattern of development in cities, towns and the countryside.  If properly carried out it benefits all those involved in the planning process.

From a developer’s point of view, the preparation of an environmental statement in parallel with project design provides a useful framework within which environmental considerations and design development can interact.  Environmental analysis may indicate ways in which the project can be modified to avoid possible adverse effects, for example through considering more environmentally friendly alternatives.  Taking these steps is likely to make the formal planning approval stages run more smoothly.

CST Group can either directly provide or procure all elements required by any particular EIS. Our close working relationship with other professionals in the field will ensure all elements of the EIS are suitably addressed while minimising expenditure for the client.